Birth Pool Rental Services

La Bassine Pool Kit
Water is an absolutely amazing comfort measure tool to use during labor.
I had a water birth with our 3rd son and absolutely loved my experience.
I am excited to help other families to also have this experience.
If you are having a home birth, this is a great option to rent and use. This is also a great resource for families who are planning a hospital birth but want to experience the comfort of hydrotherapy before going into the hospital.
I offer a birth pool rental kit using a full size La Bassine Birth Pool. The pool is available for a 4-week window of time around your estimated due date. The kit includes the tub, a liner, plastic floor covering sheet, air inflatable pump, facet adaptor, fish net, and sump pump for drainage. Also, included are detailed setup and cleaning instructions. You will be responsible to buy your own drinking water hose and have a quick read thermometer on hand to check the water temp.
*Contact me today if you are interested as my rental calendar fills up very quickly for the pool! *
This is only available for pickup and return back to Oceanside, CA area.
The fee for birth pool kit rental services is $100 with a $100 refundable deposit.